EUKLEMS & INTANProd - Release 2025

This is the portal where users can access the new integrated EUKLEMS & INTANProd database, run by the Luiss Lab of Economics and Energy Transition at Luiss University in Rome, Italy. EUKLEMS & INTANProd updates the widely-used EUKLEMS productivity database and extends it with new estimates of intangible investment coherent with INTAN-Invest ( For more details on the methodology, coverage and estimation of variables please refer to Bontadini et al.(2023). Please cite this source whenever using this database.


The EUKLEMS & INTANProd 2022 and 2023 releases have been funded by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG-ECFIN) of the European Commission, Procurement procedure ECFIN/2020/OP/0001 – Provision of Industry level growth and productivity data with special focus on intangible assets – 2020/S 114-275561.  The opinions expressed are those of the contractor only and do not represent the contracting authority’s official position.

The EUKLEMS & INTANProd 2025 release has been produced within the WIPO-Luiss Business School Partnership “Intangible Assets in the Global Economy: Better Data for Better Policy“ ( and partially funded by WIPO. Any errors or omissions are entirely the responsibility of the EUKLEMS & INTANProd team.

New features

The database contains a number of new features:

  • New harmonized estimates of investments and capital stocks in intangible assets, that are not included in national accounts.
  • As an additional improvement, the harmonized estimates for intangible assets are now also available for 13 manufacturing industries.
  • New estimates of Industrial Design, Organizational Capital, Brand and Training,  as illustrated in the methodological report.
  • All EUKLEMS-INTANProd variables are now available separately for Professional, scientific, and technical services (section M of the NACE rev. 2 classification) and Administrative and support services (section N of the NACE rev. 2 classification), depending on data availability.
  • The analytical module, provides growth accounting using harmonized capital stocks and for a selection of countries bottom-up calculations.
  • The 2025 release extends the time coverage to 2021 based on the latest national accounts.
  • US data on intangible investments cover the years 1985-2021.

What you can do on this portal

This is where you can download the full dataset in a range of formats: Excel (.xlsx), CSV (.csv), R (.rds) and STATA (.dta).

Furthermore, it is also possible for you to directly query the dataset online, based on your specific research interests, as well as to download some ready-made charts.

Finally, you can also find the relevant methodological documentation, as well as country notes describing country-specific data sources (if any), summarizing the general coverage of the core variables, the main data gaps and describing in detail any imputation country-specific adjustment.